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Geheimdienste sollen Trump-Dokumente auswerten

  US-Geheimdienste sollen offenbar die vertraulichen Regierungsdokumente auswerten, die beim ehemaligen Präsidenten Trump sichergestellt wurden. War die nationale Sicherheit in Gefahr? Die geheimen Dokumente, die der ehemalige US-Präsident Donald Trump nach dem Ende seiner Amtszeit mitgenommen hat, sollen von den US-Geheimdiensten ausgewertet werden. Das berichteten die "New York Times", das Magazin "Politico" und andere Medien unter Berufung auf ein Schreiben der Geheimdienstkoordinatorin Avril Haines an hochrangige Mitarbeiter. Damit solle geklärt werden, ob aus der Aufbewahrung in Trumps Villa Mar-a-Lago in Florida Risiken für die nationale Sicherheit entstanden.

Deutscher im Iran festgenommen

  Wie das Auswärtige Amt dem ARD-Hörfunkstudio Istanbul bestätigte, ist im Iran ein Deutscher festgenommen worden. Die Behörde sei mit dem Mann in Kontakt, hieß es. Es soll sich um einen 66-jährigen Touristen handeln. Von Karin Senz, ARD-Studio Istanbul Die Meldung kommt von iranischen Medien. Demnach sollen Sicherheitskräfte einen 66-jährigen Touristen schon vor mehr als 40 Tagen festgenommen haben, und zwar in Aran-o-Bidgol gut 200 Kilometer südlich von Teheran. Der Mann sei mit dem Motorrad unterwegs gewesen und habe in der Stadt verbotenerweise Fotos gemacht. Angeblich habe er anfangs in Einzelhaft gesessen.

Erinnerungen an den belgischen Albtraum

  In den 1990er-Jahren erschütterte der Fall des Vergewaltigers Dutroux Belgien. Nun bekommt seine Ex-Frau - die für den Tod zweier Mädchen verantwortlich war - ihre vollständige Freiheit zurück. Das reißt alte Wunden auf. Von Helga Schmidt, ARD-Studio Brüssel Schon der Name der Frau löst bei vielen Belgiern heute noch Hass und Verachtung aus: Michelle Martin war nicht nur über die Verbrechen ihres Mannes Marc Dutroux bis in die Einzelheiten informiert, sie war auch als Mittäterin beteiligt. Mindestens zwei der Mädchen, die Dutroux entführt und missbraucht hat, ließ Martin wissentlich in einem Kellerverlies verhungern.

Wolkenfilm und Windvorhersage Deutschland

  In der Nacht auf Dienstag ist es im Norden weiterhin teils stark, teils auch aufgelockert bewölkt. Schauer gibt es am ehesten noch im Ostseeumfeld. Von der Mitte bis in den Süden geht es oft klar, teilweise noch locker bewölkt in die Nacht. Zum Morgen bilden sich aber gebietsweise Nebel- oder Hochnebelfelder. Der Dienstag beginnt im Norden mit vielen Wolken, besonders zur Ostsee hin ist es bedeckt, wo auch noch ein paar Schauer unterwegs sind. Sonst beginnt der Tag gebietsweise, besonders im Südwesten, sonnig oder auch, bevorzugt im Osten, mit Nebel- und Hochnebelfeldern. Nach deren Auflösung ist es von der Mitte bis in den Süden zunächst sonnig oder leicht bewölkt. Dichtere Quellwolken melden sich von Frankreich her am Nachmittag an und bringen von der Eifel bis zur Schwäbischen Alb gegen Abend erste Schauer und Gewitter. Im Nordosten ist aus oft starker Bewölkung weiterhin mit einzelnen Schauern zu rechnen. Im Nordwesten dagegen wird es im Tagesverlauf

Die Stimmung ist im Keller

  Zinsängste bestimmten heute weiter das Börsengeschehen, die Anleger stellen sich auf deutlich steigende Leitzinsen ein. Nach den schweren Verlusten vom Freitag rutschte der DAX weiter ab. Die Aussicht auf kräftige Zinserhöhungen und eine drohende Rezession drücken derzeit deutlich auf die Stimmung der Anleger. Diese haben sich heute weiter vom Markt verabschiedet, der DAX gab 0,61 Prozent auf 12.892 Punkte nach. Wer auf eine technische Gegenreaktion nach den deutlichen Verlusten vom Freitag gesetzt hatte, wurde heute enttäuscht. Von Schnäppchenjägern war nichts zu sehen. Apropos Markttechnik: Charttechnisch ist der DAX stark angeschlagen. "Jetzt geht es für den Markt darum, schnell Halt zu finden, um nicht direkt die nächste und wohl alles entscheidende

So funktioniert die TikTok-Strategie der AfD

  Millionen Menschen nutzen in Deutschland TikTok. Auch Politik findet auf der Plattform immer mehr statt. Laut Recherchen des funk-Formats DIE DA OBEN! weiß das vor allem eine Partei zu nutzen: die AfD. Von Jan Schipmann, Linda Friese, Constantin Hofsäß und Lennart Glaser Die SPD bei der Tornado-Challenge, die FDP-Politikerin Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann auf dem Tretroller, Markus Söder als Sexsymbol. Im Kampf um Stimmen scheinen sich die Parteien für wenig zu schade. Vor allem nicht, wenn es um eine rare Gunst geht: die der jungen Wählerinnen und Wähler.

20 Minuten vor dem Start gestoppt

  Die Enttäuschung dürfte groß sein: 20 Minuten vor dem geplanten Start brach die NASA die "Artemis I"-Mission ab. Zulaufend auf den Countdown hatten Ingenieure mit technischen Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen. Hauptproblem: Das dritte der vier Triebwerke konnte nicht mit flüssigem Wasserstoff geflutet werden. Das ist aber notwendig, um überhaupt zünden zu können. NASA-Chef Bill Nelson - selbst ehemaliger Astronaut - zeigte sich im NASA-eigenen Stream zerknirscht: Das ist eine sehr komplizierte Maschine, ein sehr kompliziertes System, und all diese Dinge müssen funktionieren. Und man will die Kerze nicht anzünden, bevor sie einsatzbereit ist.

Wie steht es um die Adler Group?

  Die Adler Group ist erst Ende 2020 aus dem Zusammenschluss der in Luxemburg ansässigen ADO Properties mit den Berliner Wohnungsunternehmen Adler Real Estate und Consus Real Estate hervorgegangen. ADO Properties hatte dafür erst den eigenen Großaktionär Adler Real Estate und dann Consus übernommen. Als Ziel der Fusion wurde genannt, den Wohnungsbestand geografisch zu diversifizieren, um so die Auswirkungen des Berliner Mietendeckels auf das eigene Geschäft zu verringern. ADO selbst wurde ursprünglich 2006 auf Zypern gegründet. Seit Oktober 2015 ist das Unternehmen im Kleinwerteindex SDAX notiert.

Fähre treibt nach Brand auf Küste zu

  Nach dem Brand auf der schwedischen Fähre "Stena Scandica" entwickelt sich die Situation dramatischer als zunächst erwartet: Die Fähre treibt ungesteuert auf die Küste zu, 70 Menschen sollen in Sicherheit gebracht werden. Die Autofähre "Stena Scandica" vor der schwedischen Küste soll nach einem Brand am Nachmittag nun doch teilweise evakuiert werden. Eine Sprecherin sagte, das Feuer habe einen Stromausfall ausgelöst. Die Fähre treibe jetzt bei starkem Wind vor der schwedischen Küste langsam auf die Insel Gotland zu. Nun arbeiten die Einsatzkräfte gegen die Zeit: Nach ihren Berechnungen erreichen Schlepperboote die Fähre nur wenige Minuten, bevor sie auf Grund laufen wird. Deshalb habe man sich für eine Evakuierung entschieden, so die Spr

Uniper braucht noch mehr Geld vom Staat

  Der angeschlagene Energiekonzern Uniper hat weitere staatliche Kredite im Volumen von vier Milliarden Euro beantragt. Damit würde die Staatshilfe auf einen zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag steigen. Der in Finanznöte geratene Energiekonzern Uniper hat weitere staatliche Kredite im Umfang von vier Milliarden Euro beantragt. Man habe zwei Milliarden Euro aus der bestehenden Kreditfazilität der staatlichen KfW Bank in Anspruch genommen und damit die Fazilität in Höhe von neun Milliarden vollständig ausgeschöpft, teilte das Unternehmen heute mit. Man habe daher eine Erweiterung des Kreditrahmens in Höhe von vier Milliarden Euro beantragt. Mit der Bitte um weitere staatliche Hilfe solle "die kurzfristige Liquidität des Unternehmens sichergestellt werden",

Mehr dänische Windkraft für Deutschland

  Dänemark soll wichtiger werden als Energielieferant. Bis 2030 will das Land die Windenergie auf hoher See stark ausbauen - und Millionen deutsche Haushalte mit Strom versorgen. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei die Insel Bornholm. Deutschland hat sich den Zugang zu deutlich mehr Windenergie aus Dänemark gesichert. Nach Angaben des dänischen Energieministeriums werden dazu bis 2030 mehrere Offshore-Windparks im Meer Energie liefern. Deutschland sollen mindestens drei Gigawatt elektrische Leistung zur Verfügung stehen. Damit könnten demnach 4,5 Millionen Haushalte versorgt werden. Der regenerativ erzeugte Strom soll über die Ostseeinsel Bornholm mit einem 470 Kilometer langen Netzkabel nach Deutschland transportiert werden. Auf Bornholm ist ein großes Energiev

EU-Kommission will Strommarkt reformieren

  Angesichts immer weiter steigender Energiepreise hat EU-Kommissionschefin von der Leyen eine Reform des europäischen Strommarktes angekündigt. Auch Kanzler Scholz zeigt sich offen für "strukturelle Veränderungen". EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hat für Anfang kommenden Jahres eine Reform des Strommarktes in der EU angekündigt. "Die in die Höhe schießenden Strompreise zeigen gerade aus verschiedenen Gründen die Grenzen unseres jetzigen Strommarktdesigns auf", sagte sie bei einer internationalen Konferenz in Slowenien. Das System sei für andere Umstände entwickelt worden und nicht mehr zweckmäßig: "Deshalb arbeiten wir jetzt an einer Notfallmaßnahme und an einer Strukturreform des Strommarktes." Gas- und Strompreise

Wo es auf Europas Strommarkt hakt

  Vor fast 20 Jahren hat die EU den Markt für Strom weitgehend liberalisiert, auch mit dem Ziel, die Preise für Verbraucher zu senken. Doch in Zeiten extremer Verknappung funktioniert das System so nicht mehr. Eine Analyse von Holger Beckmann, ARD-Studio Brüssel Es war einmal ein großes Versprechen, das die Europäische Union Anfang dieses Jahrtausends ihren Bürgerinnen und Bürgern machte - zumindest klang es nach einem solchen: Der Markt für elektrische Energie wird liberalisiert. Alle würden dann nämlich vom dadurch sinkenden Preis profitieren. Strom aus der Steckdose also immer billiger - ein verlockender Gedanke. Doch das ist

Disney Cruise Line dropping vaccination requirement for kids ages 5 to 11

  Disney Cruise Line said on Monday it's dropping its vaccination requirement for children younger than 12. Starting on September 2, a requirement to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 will no longer apply to guests ages 5 to 11 for sailings leaving US and Canadian ports.   The cruise line's previous rule, which still extends to sailings departing through September 1, required guests 5 and older to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.   While the US Food and Drug Administration has authorized Covid vaccines for children as young as 6 months, the cruise line had not extended its requirement to the youngest children.   With the change, a vaccination requirement will still apply for all guests 12 and older. The cruise line notes that vaccinations are recommended for younger travelers.   "In consideration of CDC guidance, Disney Cruise Line highly recommends that Guests ages 11 and younger be fully vaccinated before sailing," Disney Cruise Line's websit

British Airways to trim about 10,000 flights from winter schedule

  British Airways has announced it plans to cut thousands of flights from its winter schedule because of airport passenger caps and dwindling demand as fall and winter approach. The airline said total capacity for its winter schedule until the end of March 2023 will be reduced by 8%, which will affect roughly 10,000 flights (or about 5,000 round trips).   The announcement follows the recent extension of a daily limit of 100,000 passengers currently in place at Heathrow Airport in London.   The airport had to impose the cap in July as it struggled to handle staffing shortages, long lines, flight delays and mountains of lost luggage during the summer peak.    The cap extension at Heathrow, the largest airport serving the United Kingdom, also affects hundreds of British Airways flights between now and late October.   "For us, it means we have to cancel on average a further 12 short-haul round trips from London Heathrow each day," the airline said in a statement. Thro

IAEA mission expected to visit Zaporizhzhia in the 'next few days'

  IAEA Chief Rafael Grossi "said he was continuing his consultations with all parties with the aim to send an IAEA expert mission to the #ZNPP in the next few days to help ensure nuclear safety and security there," the United Nations' nuclear watchdog tweeted on Sunday.   Grossi himself is a member of the team participating in the expert mission, according to a report from the New York Times. The Times says it saw Grossi on a list of names, which also included "13 other experts from mostly neutral countries."   "Neither the United States nor Britain, countries that Russia scorns as unfairly biased because of their strong support for Ukraine, is represented," the Times reported.   When CNN reached out to the IAEA on Sunday about the makeup of the expert mission, the nuclear watchdog declined to comment, saying it would not make such information public and that "all IAEA missions have members from different Member States, selected on

Opinion: 200 years after Napoleon's defeat, the French and British are still exchanging shots

  Though Napoleon Bonaparte, Ho ratio Nelson and the 1805 Battle of Trafalgar are long-ago history, France and the United Kingdom are apparently still doing battle. In fact, Boris Johnson's likely successor as UK prime minister and assorted French politicos have recently been exchanging shots.  David A. Andelman David A. Andelman While Russia is launching accelerating salvos at neighboring Ukraine, even threatening nuclear Armageddon, it seems the UK and France -- both NATO members -- have somehow still not managed to patch things up.  UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who is in the middle of a bitter intra-party battle against Rishi Sunak for leadership of the ruling Conservative party, was recently asked whether French President Emmanuel Macron is "friend or foe?" Her response, offered to applause from her clearly partisan audience, was simple and direct. "The jury's out. " Then she continued, in a hardly more conciliatory fashion, "But if I become Prim

7 books governments didn't want people to read

  Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses," an ambitious work of magical realism, received one of the most violent and enduring backlashes in literary history for its treatment of Islamic lore. Its 1988 release was met with demonstrations, riots and bans in Muslim-majority countries.  Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or religious edict, in 1989 calling for the author and everybody who worked on the book to be killed, after which an Italian translator of the novel was stabbed, a Japanese translator of "The Satanic Verses" murdered, and a Norwegian publisher shot and wounded. Rushdie was forced into hiding for years; the book is still banned in more than a dozen countries, including Iran, India and Kenya.  The motive behind this month's attack on Rushdie is still unclear, but the incident "highlights that suppression and censorship of books has been going on for centuries and is still happening today," said Pom Harrington, director of the upcoming

Sewage-covered beaches risk turning England into the 'dirty man of Europe'

  Near the southwest tip of England, where the region of Cornwall meets the Atlantic, is Longrock Beach. It's part of the mythical coastline around Penzance -- a liminal space where the sky meets the ocean, dotted with prehistoric monuments. Off the shore from Longrock, an island topped by a fairytale castle rises up from the water: St. Michael's Mount.   Longrock is idyllic -- safe and family friendly, with shallow water, and "favored with Penzance locals," according to the tourist board.   Last week it was rather less so. Longrock was one of 100 beaches around England which had raw sewage disgorged into the sea during the peak summer period.   In Cornwall alone, 14 of 80 bathing beaches were off limits due to sewage.    And Longrock has been hit again this week, with a pollution warning in place on August 26, just in time for the August Bank Holiday, which will see Brits heading for the coast.    A beach in Brighton and Hove, perhaps the most popular seas

A London museum will return its stolen Benin bronzes to Nigeria

  The Horniman Museum and Gardens, located in south London, announced the transfer in a news release Sunday. All of the objects were taken from the Kingdom of Benin, in what is now the capital of Edo State in southern Nigeria, during a British military operation in February 1897, the museum said. The artifacts include 12 brass plaques that are part of a genre known as the "Benin bronzes." These bronze sculptures were created from at least the 16th century to decorate the royal court in Benin, according to the British Museum. In 1897, British forces launched a "bloody and devastating" military occupation of the Benin Kingdom and thousands of artworks were stolen and taken to the United Kingdom as "spoils of war," the museum said. Britain can't decide whether it should send its looted treasures back to their rightful owners The Horniman's Benin collection also includes other brass objects looted during the occupation, such as an altar piec

Liverpool equals Premier League record win with 9-0 victory over Bournemouth

 Liverpool equaled the Premier League's record for the biggest victory on Saturday, beating Bournemouth 9-0 at Anfield. Having begun the season with two draws and a defeat, Liverpool started rapidly against newly-promoted Bournemouth, Luis Díaz and Harvey Elliott both scoring inside six minutes. Trent Alexander-Arnold's stunning long-range strike made it three inside half an hour, before goals from Roberto Firmino and Virgil van Dijk meant Liverpool led by five at half time. After the break, an own goal from Chris Mepham, Firmino's second, Fabio Carvalho's first Liverpool goal and Díaz's second of the game capped off a goal-ridden afternoon for the hosts. The record nine-goal margin of victory had been achieved three times before -- twice by Manchester United and once by Leicester City -- and helps kickstart Liverpool's stuttering opening to the new season. For Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp, he called it a "perfect football afternoon" af

Australia enlists NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal on Indigenous reform

  Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (right), Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney (left) and former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal (middle) exchange gifts before a press conference in Sydney, August 27, 2022. Former US basketball star Shaquille O'Neal will help Australia's new government implement reforms for an Indigenous voice to parliament, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Saturday, standing alongside NBA Hall of Famer. Albanese's center-left Labor Party government is seeking a referendum, needed to change the constitution, on recognizing Indigenous people in the constitution and mandating consultation with them on decisions that affect their lives. Details on the so-called Indigenous voice to parliament will follow the national referendum on the question, which the government wants to hold in the parliament's current term. "I'm here in your country, whatever you need from me you just let me know," O'Neal

Brigham Young University apologizes, bans fan over racist slurs during volleyball match

 Brigham Young University issued an apology on Saturday for racist comments made by a fan during a women's volleyball match between BYU and Duke at the Utah university on Friday evening. The godmother of Duke volleyball player Rachel Richardson said in a tweet that Richardson, who is Black, was called racial slurs during the game at BYU's Smith Fieldhouse in Provo. Lesa Pamplin wrote, "My Goddaughter is the only black starter for Dukes volleyball team. While playing yesterday, she was called a n***er every time she served." The post continued, "She was threatened by a white male that told her to watch her back going to the team bus. A police officer had to be put by their bench." BYU Athletics did not confirm the specifics of the incident but announced they had banned a fan from all athletic venues and posted an apology on Twitter. "All of God's children deserve love and respect, and BYU Athletics is completely committed to leading ou

LIV Golf joins antitrust lawsuit against PGA Tour

The Saudi-backed LIV Golf Invitational Series has joined the antitrust lawsuit against the PGA Tour in an amended complaint in which four golfers originally listed on the original lawsuit have withdrawn their names. Carlos Ortiz, Abraham Ancer, Pat Perez and Jason Kokrak withdrew their names, leaving just seven golfers including six-time major champion Phil Mickelson and Bryson DeChambeau along with LIV Golf as the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. Earlier this month, 11 golfers participating in the LIV Golf series filed an antitrust lawsuit to challenge their suspensions by the PGA Tour. Three golfers still listed on the lawsuit -- Matt Jones, Talor Gooch and Hudson Swafford -- had their request for a temporary restraining order to play in the FedEx Cup playoffs denied by a judge earlier in August. The amended complaint was filed on Friday in the US District Court in Northern California.  

Everything you wanted to know (and more!) about pickleball

  Some stories say that it was named after the founders' family dog, Pickles, who kept running off with the ball.    Others that Pickles was born two years after the game's inception and that the name is instead a reference to a pickle-boat -- the boat in a race composed of leftover crews from other teams -- like pickleball itself with its patchwork assortment of equipment and rules borrowed from tennis, badminton and ping-pong.   Complete with its quirky name, this eccentric sport has begun to enter American mainstream culture and become the new thing .  'A sport for everybody' The basic aim of pickleball, like with other racket sports, is to hit the ball over the net and prevent an opponent from hitting it back.    It can be played in singles or doubles, inside or outside on a 20-foot by 44-foot court -- approximately the size of a badminton court -- and lasts until one side reaches 11 points, with a two-point cushion.  

UK household energy bills to soar by 80% in October

  A general view of a household energy bill displayed on a mobile phone held next to a gas hob. Families across Great Britain will find out on Friday how tough energy bills will be this winter but they may have to wait to discover what the Government will do to help Picture date: Thursday August 25, 2022. (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)  LondonBritish energy bills will rise 80% to an average of £3,549 ($4,188) a year from October, regulator Ofgem said on Friday, calling it a "crisis" that needed to be tackled by urgent and decisive government action.  Ofgem CEO Jonathan Brearley said the rise would have a "massive impact" on households across Britain, and another increase was likely in January, reflecting significant pricing pressure in energy markets.  He said Britain's next prime minister — either Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak — needed to take immediate action once in office next month.

Inside Flightradar24, the website that tracks every plane in the sky

  (CNN) — On an average day, more than 200,000 flights take off and land across the world. That includes commercial, cargo and charter planes -- which account for about half of the total -- as well as business jets, private aircraft, helicopters, air ambulances, government and military aircraft, drones, hot air balloons and gliders.    Most of them are equipped with a transponder, a device that communicates the aircraft's position and other flight data to air traffic control, and that signal can be captured with inexpensive receivers based on a technology called ADS-B, for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast. That's what flight-tracking websites do in a nutshell, providing users with a real-time snapshot of everything that's in the sky (minus a few exceptions).

Why HBO Max is removing so many series and films

New York (CNN Business)When HBO Max launched in 2020, it was designed to be the streaming home for everything Warner Bros., DC and HBO, with plenty of stuff for the kids to watch, too.  Now, suddenly, HBO Max is starting to look a little different. The service, which like CNN is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery, has been scrapping TV shows and films left and right as it cuts costs, shifts strategy and prepares to merge next summer with Discovery+, its sister streaming service.  So, what's going on? The media landscape is decidedly different from the early days of the pandemic, and HBO Max remains in flux.

MTV VMAs 2022: See the full list of winners

  Taylor Swift accepts the award for best longform video for "All Too Well" at the MTV Video Music Awards. (CNN) The MTV Video Music Awards are being presented on Sunday. See below for a full list of nominees with the winners indicated in bold. VIDEO OF THE YEAR Doja Cat -- "Woman" -- Kemosabe Records / RCA Records Drake ft. Future & Young Thug -- "Way 2 Sexy" -- OVO/Republic Ed Sheeran -- "Shivers" -- Atlantic Records Harry Styles -- "As It Was" -- Columbia Records Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow -- "INDUSTRY BABY" -- Columbia Records Olivia Rodrigo -- "brutal" -- Geffen Records Taylor Swift -- "All Too Well" (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) -- Republic Records *WINNER ARTIST OF THE YEAR Bad Bunny -- Rimas Entertainment *WINNER Drake -- OVO/Republic Ed Sheeran -- Atlantic Records Harry Styles -- Columbia Records Jack Harlow -- Generation Now / Atlantic Records Lil Nas X -- Columbia Records Lizzo --

MTV Video Music Awards 2022: Best fashion from the red carpet

  he 2022 MTV Video Music Awards got underway Sunday evening, with stars including Lizzo and Blackpink stepping out onto the red carpet for the big night. Compared with Hollywood's award ceremonies, the VMAs often see attendees letting loose and showing off their personalities, typically choosing fun, sultry or experimental outfits over formal suits and ballgowns. Fashion history has also been made here, such as Lil' Kim's one-sleeved purple jumpsuit and seashell nipple pastie in 1999 or Lady Gaga's infamous meat dress in 2010.   This year's event, held at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, saw performances by the likes of Bad Bunny and Nicki Minaj, with Jack Harlow and LL Cool J hosting. Celebrity fashion watchers also had much to celebrate as style darlings including Taylor Swift, Lil Nas X and Becky G arrived in show-stopping ensembles. Many stars dressed in dark hues to match this year's "black carpet" -- though they brought outfits to

Why NASA wants to return to the moon before sending humans to Mars

Turn to CNN for live coverage from Kennedy Space Center in Florida through the Monday morning launch. Space correspondents Kristin Fisher and Rachel Crane will bring us moment by moment reporting from the launch along with a team of experts. Kennedy Space Center, Florida (CNN)Before landing the first humans on Mars, NASA wants to return to the lunar surface -- but in a way that we've never explored the moon before. When the uncrewed Artemis I mission launches on Monday, August 29, it's just the first step toward the future of space exploration. The last crewed landing on the moon, Apollo 17, was nearly 50 years ago. The final Apollo mission's record for the longest crewed deep space flight still stands: 12.5 days. Through the Artemis program, which aims to land humans at the unexplored lunar south pole and eventually on Mars, astronauts will go on long-duration deep space missions that test all of the bounds of exploration.

New Zealand police identify children whose remains were found in suitcases

  Police and forensic investigators gather at the scene where suitcases with the remains of two children were found in Auckland, New Zealand. (CNN)Police in New Zealand have identified two children whose remains were found earlier this month in suitcases bought by a family in an online auction. In a statement Friday, police confirmed that both children have been identified and their family has requested their names be withheld. Police launched a homicide investigation after the remains were discovered in South Auckland on August 11. Children's remains found in suitcases bought by family at auction, New Zealand police say Children's remains found in suitcases bought by family at auction, New Zealand police say Earlier this month, Detective Inspector Tofilau Faamanuia Vaaelua said the children were likely to have been between 5 and 10 years old when they died. He said investigators believed they'd been dead for three or four years and the cause of death was unknown. Accord