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Could meteorites be the source of water on Earth?

  Examining the rare samples collected by Japan during the 6-year space mission, scientists found that the waters on Earth may have been brought by meteorites from distant points of the Solar System. The Hayabusa 2 rover was launched from Earth in 2014 and landed on the Ryugu asteroid about 300 million kilometers away. Bringing the dust and stones there in 2020, Hayabusa 2 presented these rare examples to scientists for review. Scientists investigating the beginning of life and the formation of the universe began to publish their studies on the subject.   In a study published in June, scientists announced that they had found organic material showing that amino acids, the building blocks of life, may have formed in space.   In the new article in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy, it was stated that samples taken from Ryugu could give clues about the question of how the oceans on Earth formed billions of years ago. "C-type asteroids, rich in gaseous materials and organic